Veterinary Physiology & Biochemistry


The department is well equipped with some state of the art facilities viz. Preparative Dual pump Gradient RP-HPLC system, Refrigerated high speed centrifuge, UV-Vis double beam spectrophotometer, electrophoresis systems with gel-documentation system, Sterile work bench with BSL-I, Dual block gradient thermal cycler, CO2 incubator, automatic blood analyzer, physiograph, automatic weather system etc.

Teaching Activities:
•    B.V.Sc. & A.H. Programme: AS per MSVE Regulations-2008 (20 Credit Hrs. + VLD)
•    M.V.Sc.  Programme As per ICAR Revised Postgraduate Course Curricula-2009 (60 Credit Hrs.)

Research Priorities:
•    Enumeration of Haemato-biochemical status of livestock and poultry in NE agro-climatic condition with special emphasis on its native species.
•    Endocrine studies of the different species of animals for increasing the productivity.
•    Targeted gene mutation for developing effective vaccines for livestock and poultry species.
•    Isolation, fractionation and characterization of different milk proteins from dairy animals of NE region.
•    Isolation and identification of active principles in medicinal plants found in NE region.

Research activities:
•    Effect of age, sex, season and managemental practices on the selected Haemato-biochemical parameters of Broiler Quail at Aizawl. (PI: Dr. P.S. Mahapatra; IRP/Completed)
•    Evaluation of fodders in Aizawl District for their Lectin content. (PI: Dr. M. Ayub Ali; IRP/Completed)
•    Effect of season and age on selected Haemato-biochemical profile of local pig (Zovawk) of Mizoram. (PI: Dr. Prava Mayengbam; IRP/Completed)
•    Haemoglobin variants and haemoglobinopathies screening in Mizoram population. (PI: Dr. M. Ayub Ali; DBT/Ongoing)
•    Haemato-biochemical profile of Mithun (P.G. research)
•    Mitogen stimulated cytokine gene expression in PBMC in local and exotic breeds of pigs (P.G. research).

Extension & Other Activities:
The faculty members of the department actively participate in the Animal health camps organized by the college at different places in Mizoram besides delivering lectures in various training programmes in the college. The department has also organized one 10 days training programme sponsored by ICAR for faculty members of Agricultural Universities and Scientists of ICAR institutes.