Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology


The department is well equipped with some state of the art facilities viz. Rota Rod Tread Mill, Electroconvulsiometer, Actophotometer and Eddy’s Hot Plate, Analgesiometer, Binary Gradient HPLC System with UV-VIS Detector, PC-Based UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Automatic Solvent Extraction System and High Precision Electronic Balance, Microprocessor-Based Flame Photometer, Rotary Vacuum Evaporator, High Speed Cooling Centrifuge, Multichannel Student Physiograph, Plethysmometer, Tail-Flick Analgesiometer, Conditioned Response Cage/Apparatus, Safety Cabinet (Type II B2), Lyophilizer, Ultrasonicator, ELISA reader, Organ bath  etc.

Teaching Activities:

B.V.Sc. & A.H. Programme
AS per MSVE Regulations-2008 (10 Credit Hrs.)
M.V.Sc.  Programme
As per ICAR Revised Postgraduate Course Curricula-2009 (60 Credit Hrs.)

Research Priorities:

  • Identification and cataloguing of important medicinal and toxic plants available in the region.
  • Extraction, isolation, fractionation and purification of active principles of medicinal and toxic plants of NEH Region and their pharmacological and toxicological profiling.
  • Scientific validation of pharmacological agents employed in ethno-veterinary practices by local tribes in NEH Region.
  • Pharmacokinetic disposition of antimicrobial and antiparasitic drugs and determination dosage regimen and tissue residues.
  • Drug and pesticide residues in soil and food commodities.

Research activities :

  • Outreach Programme on Ethnoveterinary Medicine
  • All India Network Project(AINP)  on Pesticide Residue and Monitoring of Pesticide Residues at National Level (MPRNL
  • To develop standardized poly herbal formulation of medicinal plants for use as anti-coccidial agent for poultry
  • Analysis of Selected Antimicrobial Drug Residues in Meat Samples collected from Aizawl Local Markets

Extension & Other Activities:

The faculty and the staffs of this department are actively involved in various extension activities conducted by the University and the college in and out of the college campus