The department is well equipped with some state of the art facilities viz. Rota Rod Tread Mill, Electroconvulsiometer, Actophotometer and Eddy’s Hot Plate, Analgesiometer, Binary Gradient HPLC System with UV-VIS Detector, PC-Based UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Automatic Solvent Extraction System and High Precision Electronic Balance, Microprocessor-Based Flame Photometer, Rotary Vacuum Evaporator, High Speed Cooling Centrifuge, Multichannel Student Physiograph, Plethysmometer, Tail-Flick Analgesiometer, Conditioned Response Cage/Apparatus, Safety Cabinet (Type II B2), Lyophilizer, Ultrasonicator, ELISA reader, Organ bath etc.
Teaching Activities:
B.V.Sc. & A.H. Programme
AS per MSVE Regulations-2008 (10 Credit Hrs.)
M.V.Sc. Programme
As per ICAR Revised Postgraduate Course Curricula-2009 (60 Credit Hrs.)
Research Priorities:
- Identification and cataloguing of important medicinal and toxic plants available in the region.
- Extraction, isolation, fractionation and purification of active principles of medicinal and toxic plants of NEH Region and their pharmacological and toxicological profiling.
- Scientific validation of pharmacological agents employed in ethno-veterinary practices by local tribes in NEH Region.
- Pharmacokinetic disposition of antimicrobial and antiparasitic drugs and determination dosage regimen and tissue residues.
- Drug and pesticide residues in soil and food commodities.
Research activities :
- Outreach Programme on Ethnoveterinary Medicine
- All India Network Project(AINP) on Pesticide Residue and Monitoring of Pesticide Residues at National Level (MPRNL
- To develop standardized poly herbal formulation of medicinal plants for use as anti-coccidial agent for poultry
- Analysis of Selected Antimicrobial Drug Residues in Meat Samples collected from Aizawl Local Markets
Extension & Other Activities:
The faculty and the staffs of this department are actively involved in various extension activities conducted by the University and the college in and out of the college campus