Specialty Diagnostic Facilities: Endscopy, Semi autometic blood analyser, Blood cell counter, Florescent microscope, OPD facilities, etc.
Teaching Activities:
- B.V.Sc. & A.H. Programme: AS per MSVE Regulations-2008 (18 Credit Hrs.)
- M.V.Sc. Programme: As per ICAR Revised Postgraduate Course Curricula-2009 (60 Credit Hrs.)
Research Priorities:
As per the mandate of the Institute, major thrust areas include development and refinement of therapeutic strategies for betterment of animal health.
Research activities:
- Seroprevalence and therapeutic management of sarcoptic infestation of pigs in Mizoram. (PI: Dr. K. Sarma; IRP/Completed)
- Clinico-epidemiological and patho-biochemical studies on canine parvovirus type-2 infection in dogs.(PI: Dr. S.K. Behera; IRP/Completed)
- Clinico-therapeutic studies on demodicosis and flea allergy dermatitis in dogs. (PI: Dr. Gunjan Das; IRP/Ongoing)
- Clinico-haematological studies on the prevalence of hemoprotozoan diseases on dairy cattle. (PI: Dr. H. Prasad; IRP/Ongoing)
- Livelihood improvement of empowerment of rural poor through sustainable farming system in the N-E India . (PI: Dr. H. Prasad; ERP/Ongoing) (ICAR)
- Molecular epidemiological studies of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in clinical and subclinical mastitis in Mizoram, Tripura and West Bengal.(PI: Dr. Gunjan Das; ERP/Ongoing) (DBT)
- Studies on effect of different herbal preparations on wound healing and angiogenesis (Out-reach programme in ethno-veterinary medicine). (PI: Dr. Gunjan Das; ERP/Ongoing) (DBT).
Extension & Other Activities:
- Veterinary medical help is extended to farmers at their door step by ambulatory service
- Continuous veterinary education to field veterinarians and farmers
- Actively participate in all the activities like Kisan Mela, Health camps organized by Department of Extension, Krishi Vigyan Kendra & NSS unit