Animal Breeding and Genetics


The department is well equipped with some state of the art facilities viz. PCR, Refrigerated high speed centrifuge, electrophoresis systems with gel-documentation system, Shaking incubator, Ice maker, Sterile work bench with BSL-I, Phase contrast microscope with karyotyping software, etc.

Teaching Activities:

B.V.Sc. & A.H. Programme
AS per MSVE Regulations-2008 (9 Credit Hrs.)
M.V.Sc.  Programme
As per ICAR Revised Postgraduate Course Curricula-2009 (60 Credit Hrs.)

Research priorities :

  • Documentation, characterization and conservation of indigenous livestock and poultry breeds of NEH region.
  • Development of breeds/ strains of livestock and poultry suitable to NEH region.
  • Identification of genetic markers associated with production, reproduction and disease resistance in livestock and poultry.

Research activities:

  • Investigation of growth hormone gene polymorphism and its association with performance trait in Mizoram local pig, Zovawk (PI: Dr. T. C. Tolenkhomba; IRP/Completed)
  • AICRP on Pigs (PI: Dr. N. Shyamsana Singh; ICAR/ Ongoing)
  • Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility Scheme (PI: Dr. T. C. Tolenkhomba; DBT/Ongoing)
  • Physical characterization of indigenous cattle of north-east India (PI: Dr. T. C. Tolenkhomba; DBT/Ongoing)
  • TLR-Ligands: To design novel vaccines adjuvants in chicken (PI: Dr. T. C. Tolenkhomba; DBT/Ongoing)
  • DNA Polymorphism in milk proteins in local cattle of North East India (P.G. research)
  • Phenotypic characterization of Mizo desi pig (zovawk) in its home tract in Mizoram (P.G. research)
  • Phenotypic characterization of local chickens of Manipur (P.G. research)

Extension & Other Activities:

  • Participation in Agri-fair
  • Resource persons in various training programmes for line departments/farmers
  • Publication of Extension Literature